
Maximising Your Blinktime: Creative Ways to Make the Most of Your Breaks

Ryan Tanna
min read
Oct 9, 2024

Imagine this: it’s mid-afternoon, and you’ve just finished two back-to-back Zoom calls in the morning, followed by a client visit in the afternoon. Now you have a spare hour—an ideal opportunity to book some Blinktime. What would you do with that precious time? Would you dive into a new hobby, catch up with friends, or indulge in a bit of self-care? In a busy workday like this, small breaks can be transformative.

Blinktime is all about making the most of those brief moments in your day, turning potential downtime into opportunities for personal growth, relaxation, or even productivity. Let’s explore some creative ways to use your Blinktime, starting with the simple yet stress-relieving task of boxing off some errands.

Running errands

We all have those pesky errands that seem to pile up, whether it's running to Waitrose for a pint of milk or gathering ingredients for that Gordon Ramsay recipe you've been dying to try. Instead of viewing these tasks as chores, think of them as opportunities to utilise your Blinktime productively.

Scheduling these errands into your day, you won’t just clear your to-do list but you’ll also give yourself a mental break from work. A quick trip to the shop can provide a refreshing change of scenery. You’ll return to your desk feeling more focused and ready to tackle the next task on your list.

This is especially true for those of you working across time-zones. That mental stress of knowing you have no food in the fridge for dinner and will be in meetings all evening with the US team. Taking some time during the day to run for groceries means you can relax knowing you’re catered for, without the expensive and unhealthy last minute Deliveroo to chow down on between calls.

Mental health check-ins

It’s easy to overlook the state of your mental health, especially when you’re busy juggling work responsibilities. Using your Blinktime for routine mental health maintenance—like a quick therapy session or check-in—can be incredibly beneficial. Whether you’re feeling stressed or simply in need of a mental boost, talking to a professional can help you regain your balance. Simon Sinek says just 8 minutes of speaking to a friend can make all the difference.

Of course, if you’re facing genuine mental health concerns, don’t hesitate to speak to your manager about taking sick leave to see a medical professional. Prioritising your mental well-being is of paramount importance, and routine check-ins can help you prevent pressure building up to unsustainable levels. So here’s a nice chance to maintain healthy mental wellbeing and find ways to refresh your mindset.

Physical well-being

Taking care of your body is one of life’s most important responsibilities, and using your Blinktime to attend a daytime yoga or fitness class can be a handy way to do it. Many classes are now targeted at remote workers taking mid-day breaks, with everything from HIIT to Pilates to martial arts available during daytime hours or on-demand through channels like YouTube or Netflix. Regular physical activity not only improves your health but also enhances your mood and mental clarity – what’s not to love?

Imagine stepping away from your desk to kickstart your energy levels. You’ll come back to power through that project management report you've been dreading—yes, the one filled with endless Gantt charts that feel more like a puzzle than a plan! Putting your health first, you’ll find yourself more energised and productive when you return to your work tasks.

What’s more, when stepping away, the change of scenery often provides the clarity needed to see through a problem that just won’t budge while you’re sat staring at the screen… no matter how many coffees are drunk.

Networking and professional development

You know that feeling when your calendar is packed, and you’re scrambling to keep up with deadlines, leaving little time to actually move your career forward? Imagine it’s a Tuesday, and you have back-to-back meetings all day, but you’ve spotted an industry event happening in your town. It’s a perfect opportunity to expand your network and gain insights, but you’re tethered to your desk.

Using your Blinktime to attend that conference—even just for an hour—can make a world of difference. Picture yourself grabbing a coffee and talking shop with like-minded professionals. You exchange ideas and learn about a hot new opportunity, all while stepping away from your usual routine. These connections can lead to new business and collaborations that enrich your career. Don’t let a busy schedule hold you back; take that Blinktime to invest in yourself.

Community engagement

You might feel the weight of the world on your shoulders when you’re juggling projects and commitments. It’s easy to become so absorbed in your own responsibilities that you forget the impact you can have on your community. Imagine it’s a quiet Friday, and you have a brief window without meetings, but your instinct is to catch up on emails or scroll through LinkedIn pretending that it’s work.

Now picture using that Blinktime to volunteer at a local food bank instead. You’d step out of your routine and into a rewarding experience, helping those in need while making connections with others. Not only does volunteering provide a sense of fulfilment, but it also helps you gain perspective on your own challenges. When you give back, you can recharge your spirit and gain a different perspective, helping your community, enriching both your life and the lives of others.

Creative outlets and hobbies

Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank screen, feeling uninspired after a long day at work? Maybe you used to love creative pursuits, but they’ve been overshadowed by deadlines and meetings. Imagine having a spare hour in your day, but instead of diving into mundane tasks, you choose to illustrate your dreams using Midjourney and share your creations on DeviantArt. Or perhaps you decide to craft unique items to sell in your Etsy shop, transforming your ideas into tangible products.

Using your Blinktime for creative outlets can turn that feeling of being overwhelmed into something enjoyable. Whether you spend a few minutes making music, writing your novel, or exploring other creative ventures, this type of thing provides a refreshing break and can spark your imagination for elsewhere in life. And remember, time pressure can actually boost creative performance in certain circumstances – so planning it in your day can be a great idea. 

Social connections

Have you ever felt like you’ve been working non-stop, only to realise you haven’t had a proper catch-up with friends or colleagues in ages? It’s easy to let work commitments consume your day, but using your Blinktime to grab lunch with a friend or colleague can provide a much-needed break and strengthen your relationships.

Picture this: it’s lunchtime, and instead of eating at your desk, you head out for an oat milk latte with a friend. You laugh, share stories, and recharge your social batteries. These moments not only improve your mood but can also spark new ideas and perspectives that enhance your work. Don’t underestimate the power of a good conversation—making time for social connections can enrich both your personal and professional life.

More unusual ideas for using your Blinktime 

What else can you do with those flexible moments in the day? Here are some ideas that might spark your imagination:

  1. Start a YouTube channel about a niche interest: Persian architecture, vintage toy collecting, or extreme ironing—whatever you're into.
  2. Go geocaching: Turn your city into a treasure hunt and discover hidden spots.
  3. Visit a local zoo or aquarium: Enjoy the wonders of animals and marine life.
  4. Knit hats for letterboxes: Get crafty and create postbox toppers for your local community.
  5. Try your hand at urban foraging: Learn about edible plants in your area during a quick walk.
  6. Take a spontaneous art class: Join a local workshop or online class for pottery, painting, or glassblowing.
  7. Create a photo essay: Document your surroundings with a theme like "doors of the neighbourhood" or "hidden street art.”
  8. Learn a new dance style: Follow a short online tutorial for salsa, hip hop, or another dance.
  9. Build a sandcastle at a nearby beach or park: Get creative and have fun sculpting in the sand.
  10. Tick something off your bucket list: Check off that item you’ve been dreaming about, like indoor skydiving.
  11. Strike up a conversation with a stranger: Who knows how it might change your life?

The opportunities are pretty much endless. What else can you think of? 

Why is this good for business?

For HR and business managers, seeing your team members take their Blinktime for activities like life admin or creative hobbies can be a win-win. Not only does it show that they value their well-being, but it also means they return to work refreshed and more focused.

Taking this approach to flexible time off helps you grow a healthier work culture where employees feel empowered, using time management techniques that really enhance their work-life balance.

We believe this leads to higher morale and productivity for the entire team. And seeing data about how people choose to use their time helps you make better decisions on how you can support them.

What’s not to love?

Final thoughts

Using your Blinktime creatively can transform your workday, turning brief moments into opportunities for personal growth, relaxation, and connection. Whether you’re running errands, engaging in hobbies, networking, or giving back to your community, these small breaks can lead to real improvements in your overall well-being. 

So the next time you find yourself with a few spare minutes, consider how you can make the most of that time. Then open up the Blinktime app and make a booking! 

Make flexible work

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